Rental ServiceFor means of short term observations or monitoring, we offer you instruments for rental.In this case, you have several advantages: for a small amount you can use latest.
You can test Photo - Ionisation - Detectors under real measures an compete with the methodes of monitoring, you were used to in the past.
If you want to buy these instruments afterwards, it will confirm you to have made the right decisionechnical equipment.Just click at the pictures for more details.
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Zamax GmbH, Jahnstraße 6, 82216 Maisach, GF: Martin Zach, Tel +49 (0) 8141 305083 / Fax +49 (0) 8141 305084,
UST-ID-Nummer: DE279308593, Steuer-Nr.: 117/143/20256, Handelsregister: AG München HR B 194064